Thursday, February 18, 2010

SANDALL Datebook

With the goal of increasing knowledge sharing and educational opportunities, SANDALL’s monthly Datebook will highlight membership events, area association(s) programs, grants and newsletter deadlines along with a sprinkling of opportunities for professional and personal growth. Created using Google Calendar, the SANDALL Datebook is a live and continuously updated calendar at Please submit events to or michelle dot schmidt9000 at gmail dot com. Expand, Inspire, Learn, & Share!

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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Don't miss SANDALL's February event on nonverbal communication

Even in today’s electronically connected world, librarians participate in face-to-face interactions every day, whether in the library or at the corner grocery store. Whenever we are dealing with that problem patron, the difficult coworker or even that person that is always a delight to be around, we are sending out and receiving signals through nonverbal communication. In fact, research has shown that at least “60 percent of meaning is communicated nonverbally.” Join us for a fun hour of information and demonstration of problems in nonverbal communication.

"Reading Faces" presentation by Leigh Inman, Friday, February 19, 2010, 4 pm - 5 pm at Thomas Jefferson School of Law, 2121 San Diego Ave.San Diego, CA 92110, Law Library BuildingRoom 300 (3rd Floor). Happy hour to follow at Cafe Coyote in historic Old Town.


Proposing a SANDALL Motto!

Do any other chapters have mottos? Motto: a brief statement to express a goal, principle, or ideal; the favorite saying of a group; a maxim to guide one's conduct. (

Do you agree that it would be awesome for SANDALL to have one? Should we propose a contest toward creating one???

SANDALL: "Take the first step toward success" or "Be interesting by being interested"

These were suggested by the following quote (which is good in itself, but a little long):

The very first step towards success in any occupation is to become interested in it.
- William Osler

Ideas, fellow SANDALLians?