Thursday, October 21, 2010

View 2010 Fall Workshop Live!

Staying Connected: Mobile Apps for Law Libraries
Friday, October 22nd

The following workshop events will be streamed live via Ustream.

9:30 – 10:30        
Mobile Is Here... Whether You Want It or Not
Keynote Speaker: Tom Boone, Loyola Law School
This presentation will cover all the various ways that mobile technologies are already invading libraries without librarians having lifted a finger.  
Our Keynote is generously sponsored by West.

10:30 – 10:45     
Morning Break (not broadcasted)

10:45 – 11:15     
West Mobile Technology Evolution
Speaker: Michele Lucero, West Librarian Relations
Learn about mobile technology available from West including eBooks, Mobile Apps and Websites!

11:15– 11:45      
Lexis on the Go
Speaker: Michael Saint-Onge and Barry Wiener, LexisNexis

11:45 – 12:15     
How to Use and Develop QR Codes for Your Library
Speakers: Keven Jeffery & Pamela Jackson, San Diego State University Library and Information Access
This talk will focus on the instructional use of mobile apps and embedding library resources in systems patrons use most.  This will include the use of mobile research apps on handheld devices, embedding apps into learning management systems and on social networks, and using apps in customizable portals like iGoogle.

12:15 – 1:15        
Lunch (not broadcasted)
Generously sponsored by CEB.

1:30 – 2:30
Making Mobile Work in Your Library 
Keynote Speaker: Tom Boone
This presentation will be a more pragmatic approach to bringing mobile tech into law libraries, including a gentle introduction to some of the technical jargon and issues in creating mobile apps/sites. But with an emphasis on "gentle."

2:30 – 2:45          
Snack Break (not broadcasted)

2:45 – 3:15 
The Soul of San Diego Goes Mobile: Developing an iPhone App for Balboa Park
Speakers: Rich Cherry & Maren Dougherty, Balboa Park Online Collaborative (BPOC)
In Summer 2010, the Balboa Park Online Collaborative (BPOC) launched an iPhone App for Balboa Park. Two representatives from BPOC— Rich Cherry, director, and Maren Dougherty, senior editor— will speak about the process of creating and maintaining an app for a destination that contains more than 80 attractions, gardens, and restaurants.

Monday, October 11, 2010

SANDALL Buddies Program Upcoming Social Event

The goal of the SANDALL Buddies Program is to encourage and support library school students and librarians who are interested in law librarianship by providing real world information, advice and access to networks that are sometimes unavailable to those starting out in this field.

Program Length
Starts in the fall and ends in the summer.

Mentor/Mentee Meetings
Strong communication is a key ingredient in successful mentor/mentee relationships.  Pairs are encouraged to communicate often and set their own expectations based on their availabilities.  In person meetings are preferred, but demands of jobs and school work does not always make it easy or possible.  Fortunately, electronic communications can be leveraged to connect people who are in different locations with different schedules.  Mentors and Mentees can still develop an effective mentoring relationship via phone calls, email, chat, social networking and other mediums in the absence of face to face meetings.  The SANDALL Buddies Program ask that mentors and mentees check-in with each other at least twice a month.  Suggested meeting discussions and topics: duties of law librarians, career advice, goal setting, etc.

One of the mentor/mentee meetings should include either a job shadowing experience or tour of the mentor’s workplace to help mentees gain a firsthand understanding of the law librarian profession.  SANDALL will also provide plenty of activities throughout the year for mentors and mentees to participate together.  Some of these activities include:
·         Mock interview and resume review
·         Writing newsletter articles or blogs together
·         Attending SANDALL events such as:
o    Brownbags throughout the year
o    Community Service opportunities (annual beach clean-up and other events)
o    Fall Workshop (usually in October)
o    Holiday Party
o    Spring Workshop (usually in March/April)
o    Summer Picnic
o    Other announced events

Tips for Mentors and Mentees
·         Know yourself and begin mentoring relationship by discussing mutual goals and expectations
·         Practice highest standards of professionalism (trust and respect)
·         Learn to accept and give feedback
·         Recognize that the success of your mentor/mentee relationship is your responsibility
·         Practice good communication
·         Consider periodic mentor check-up to reevaluate goals and expectations


For Mentees

For Mentors

For additional information, contact: Grace Chilingirian at or Allison Coltin at